Special recovery high schools help kids beat drugs, drinking
Teresa Wiltz, The Washington Post
An estimated 1.3 million 12-to-17-year-olds have a substance abuse disorder. Youths between 12 and 19 account for nearly 12 percent of admissions to publicly funded rehab facilities, and about half of all students who return to traditional schools after treatment relapse within a year. Teens who relapse are less likely to stay in school. Proponents say recovery high schools such as Ostiguy greatly reduce the chances of a relapse and ultimately save taxpayers money by diverting a teenager from the criminal justice system.
Child tells bus driver she couldn’t wake parents; police find them dead of suspected overdoses
Cleve R. Wootson Jr., The Washington Post
For more than a day, the 7-year-old girl had been trying to wake her parents. Dutifully, she got dressed in their apartment outside Pittsburgh on Monday morning and went to school, keeping her worries to herself. But on the bus ride home, McKeesport, Pa., police say, she told the driver she’d been unable to rouse the adults in her house. Inside the home, authorities found the bodies of Christopher Dilly, 26, and Jessica Lally, 25, dead of suspected drug overdoses, according to police. Also inside the home were three other children — ages 5 years, 3 years and 9 months.
CVS Health expands youth drug abuse prevention efforts
PR Newswire
CVS Health announced last month it will expand its commitment to preventing drug abuse among young people through investments in two prevention education programs. The CVS Health Foundation will launch a new partnership with DoSomething.org to create a peer-to-peer prevention and intervention program delivered to young people via text message and online. CVS Health is also renewing its successful Pharmacists Teach program, which connects CVS pharmacists to local high school students in their communities to discuss the dangers of prescription drug abuse. Entering its second year, the program has already reached more than 100,000 students across the country..
12th National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day is October 22
U.S Department of Justice - Diversion Control Division
The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration will hold its 12th National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, October 22, providing a safe, convenient, and responsible way of disposing of unneeded prescription medications. More than 6.4 million pounds of medication have been collected over the last 11 Take-Back Days.